Thursday, December 5, 2013

Hair Purgatory. Boo!

I have never been a girlie girl. Feminine? Sure, but not super girly. Not because I have chosen to limit myself for rebellious reasons or political ones, and I am not lazy nor have I given up on my looks. It’s just who I am. I don’t wear high heels ever. I can’t function in them, even kitten heels. I end up looking like a baby giraffe learning how to walk, and it never makes me feel sexy. I have one purse, which I use every day. I have had it for a few years, and it goes everywhere with me. I bought my first pair of tights as an adult last year, and I rarely wear them. Why? Because I rarely wear dresses or skirts outside of the summer months when it can be 115 degrees where I live. (Then I consider wearing a dress more of a survival technique) I also find myself wearing make up less and less often these days. It’s just not a priority anymore, and I like seeing my actual skin. 

A big part of me says, “I am going to rock what I have and be who I am.” This philosophy generally translates to a relatively low maintenance lifestyle. Most of my life right now follows this path, except for my hair, which is a totally different story. My hair is high maintenance! For the past year or so, I have been growing it out. I thought that it would be a fun experiment. Let’s see how long it can grow! Turns out, my hair can grow pretty long. It can also get caught in jackets and under purse straps. It takes forever to dry and style. And I am on the constant hunt for a good hair tie. All of the things that you forget when you live your life above the collar.

Now, I am torn. I have never gotten so many compliments on my hair EVER, and that feels awesome. Yet, my hairstyle doesn’t connect with who I am currently. It feels like someone else. That makes me want to do something extreme, like shave my head or get a Mohawk. Somehow that makes me feel like I would be balanced again, like I did the super femme look and now I am going more edgy. I am not sure if those really scream, “Lauren,” either. I am having a hard time finding a happy medium. In the meantime, I am in longer hair limbo. 

How do you get out of hair ruts? I clearly need help.   
- Lauren, sitting in hair purgatory

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