Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scary Story for your Halloween!

Today I bring you a scary story from the GYNECOLOGICAL OFFICE! Ooooooh. No, it is not about speculums, although those can be downright frightening. It is about a doctor who did not listen to the person seeking her services, so she lost her… to another gynecologist. Let me paint the spooky scene.

I had been in Austin for about a year, and I was searching for a new gynecologist. I needed an annual exam and a new birth control pill prescription. I found a practice that sounded good, and I asked for their gentlest doctor. And I was sent to this woman who shall remain nameless. (It makes it scarier that way.) I went to our first appointment, and I was concerned that my libido had been lower than usual. I wasn’t sure if it was situational or hormonal, but it was starting to freak me out. So I decided to talk to her about it. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH YOUR VAGINA, YOU ASK A GYNECOLOGIST. And she totally shut me down, like the scary doctor she is. The conversation went something like this. 

Me: I have noticed that my sex drive has been lower the past several months. I am wondering if it is my situation; I have been single for a while. Or if it is a side effect of this particular brand of birth control pills.
The Doctor: We can talk about this more when you are in a relationship. I can refer you to therapists who do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Me: I don’t know if that is the issue. Could it be something else, like the pills or stress or environmental?
The Doctor: Nope, we won’t know until you have a boyfriend.

And that was when I realized that she was really a zombie/vampire/mummy gynecologist, so I unraveled the wrappings and drove a stake through her heart!!! Duh, duh, duh.

Ha. Just kidding. That is when I fired her ass and found a doctor who would listen to me and answer my questions. Because FUCK THAT. I deserve to be a partner in my health care. I want to encourage you to find doctors who will listen to you and who will celebrate YOU. Anything less is just SCARY!

-          Lauren, a partner in my own gynecological care  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Existential Crisis!!!!!!!!!

Lately, I have been feeling very unsettled in my professional life. My mom and my therapist blame it on the universe being out of whack. Apparently, this is a time for discovery and brutal honesty. I have to say that I would like for the universe to quit fucking with me. I feel like I keep having these moments of clarity about what I want to do with my life, and then I pick them apart and question them. I am currently a social worker, and that has defined me for over six years. Now, I am not sure what to do.

I am pretty sure I am having an existential crisis. A mini one. I had a giant one on my 24th birthday, where I completely questioned how in the heck I had gotten to that space in my life. I was completely overwhelmed by E V E R Y T H I N G. This is not that. I am pretty happy with most of my life. I have good friends and a solid boyfriend; I like the city that I live in. I just have this unsettled feeling that I should be doing something else with my life, and I wish that I knew what that was. Before, with my giant existential crisis, I felt like I wanted to do something bigger and better and more challenging with my life. Now I have that, and I feel pretty done with it. 

I keep telling people that I want to do what I want to do. I have paid my dues. I am ready to do something meaningful that celebrates my assets and creativity and passion. It feels bratty to say that. People spend years and years and years paying their dues. They climb the corporate ladder, or they work two jobs while building their own business, or they toil away to earn their PhD. I don’t want to do any of that. I just want something small and satisfying and fun. Whatever that is. 

I have always just put one foot in front of the other and powered through. I am not sure that is how I should handle my mini existential crisis. What do y’all do when you feel like this?

-          Lauren, Some sort of future professional something or other   

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today, we give props to the UK!

When I saw this anti-sexual assault ad campaign created in the United Kingdom, I almost peed my pants out of excitement. The ads are specifically geared toward men with quotes like, “I hear her when she says No. Do you?” This is so different from the typical ads that we see. They are usually telling women to close their legs, protect themselves, and seek help. So not only are we potential targets, we are also supposed to stop it from happening. Like it’s our fucking job to make sure some dude does not brutally attack us, take our dignity, remove our self worth and self respect, make it hard to trust people again, make it difficult to ever feel sexual again, take our lives away, and make us feel like worthless empty vessels. But the men have no responsibility or part in this whatsoever. NO, ladies keep your virtue. If you hadn’t been drinking, gone on that date, worn that skirt, walked down that street, went to that guy’s house, slept in your own bed, driven in that neighborhood, slept in someone else’s bed, gone to that class, walked down that hallway, gone to that party, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Well fuck that and fuck society for sending that message. 

FINALLY, there is an ad campaign that is a step in the right direction. Is it perfect? No. It does not deal with the fact that women can also be sexually violent. People have been pointing that out. Here’s the thing. When you take rape from a public health perspective, men raping women is an epidemic of MASSIVE proportions. Therefore, it is more effective to start messaging with men. If they had included women, then all of the focus would be on that, and the campaign would not be as powerful. So I am going to give the UK props for having the spine to put these ads out there.

Check out the ad campaign here.

What do you think?

-          Lauren, shocked and relieved to see ads with new perspective

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Why am I okay with shaking my ass at Bounce shows?

I have been toying around with writing this post for awhile. I wasn’t sure if I should open this can of worms. I know some people are going to read this post and think, “Lauren is such a hypocrite.” Which is fine. You are entitled to your own opinion, because you are totally right in this instance. This week, I am exploring my love for Big Freedia and other gender queer Bounce artists. 

New Orleans Bounce music has been around for about twenty years, according to Jonathan Dee’s article about it in the New York Times. It’s a New Orleans’ flavored rap music with a ton of call and response and repetition of lyrics. Lately, Bounce artists like Katey Red and Big Freedia have brought it into the spotlight.
If you have ever seen a Big Freedia or Katey Red show, then you know the point of the music is to get the ENTIRE audience to shake their asses. Unabashedly shake it. For the entire world to see. Bounce artists want you to fucking lose all inhibitions and MOVE. And everyone does. Every single time. You see men and women vibrating their butts, bouncing on the floor, doing headstands while shaking their asses. 

I lose my mind at every single show, and I am completely fine with that, and I have to ask myself why. Why is it okay for Big Freedia to demand that an entire audience show their asses everywhere? If Nelly, or Jay Z, or Kanye West did that, I would have a problem with it. Maybe it is because Bounce artists expect everyone to shake their asses. Not just women. Maybe it is because the artists themselves dance with the audience. Maybe it is because the music DEMANDS that you vibrate your butt. Maybe it is because the artists are gender queer, so I give them more leeway. I am not sure. But it is something to think about. Why is it okay for CERTAIN artists to tell people to bend over but not others? 

While you are pondering, here is a video by Big Freedia for you to check out:

- Lauren, Bounce lover and questioner