Thursday, February 6, 2014

I turn 30 this week, and I am fine with it.

I am turning 30 this week! I thought that I would be freaking out about this, because I will no longer be what mainstream society considers young and desirable. (I know that I have many years of foxiness left. Advertising agencies are the problem here.) There are more wrinkle cream commercials in my future than acne prevention ones. I can’t even fake being in my 20s anymore. I bought wine the other day, and I didn’t get carded for the first time in my life. I have not been mistaken for an undergraduate student for a while, and I may never get rid of that weird tricep jiggle that has settled into my arms. You would think that all of these realizations would lead to a meltdown, but they are not. That is probably because I really, REALLY like my life right now.

 Here is what has happened to me in the last year:

  • I left a job that gave me hives and brought out my serious obsessive tendencies, and I am pursuing a career as a therapist, which I have wanted for years and suits my personality better.
  • I started working only part time, which has given me the space to dream up creative endeavors, take on physical challenges, support my friends and fiancĂ© at a deeper level, cook more often, and focus on my own personal needs. I recognize that this is a privilege not everyone gets, and it is not a good move for everyone. It has been really great for me.
  • I got engaged to a wonderful dude. We have had some hiccups in the wedding planning, mostly due to my anxiety and guilt, but we have worked through them. I am ready to get married!
  • I have kept great friends, even if they have moved away, and made new ones, which is not an easy feat for someone who is introverted and not hobby oriented.
  • My family continues to support me, even if my dreams include talking to women about how they connect to their vaginas.  
  • I reconnected with my high school self for a performance, and I got rid of some younger Lauren demons.
  • You fun people keep reading my blog and bringing the conversations into various arenas, like here, on Facebook, and in real life. That is exactly what this blog is for. (Thank you!)

What do I have to freak out about? 30 is looking pretty sweet from here!

- Lauren, almost 30 year old who is ready to party!

1 comment:

  1. love this! happy for you lauren, 30 was great, my forearms were wicked toned.
