Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What the fuck is a vajacial?

I read that word this week while I was reading one of many celebrity gossip blogs that I follow. In it, there was a Women's Health interview with Isla Fisher in which she mentions the word, “Vajacial.” And I thought, “What the fuck is a vajacial?” Vajazzling? Sure. G Shot? Yep. Vaginal rejuvenation? Understood. But a vajacial? Nope. No idea. So I have done some investigating. Here is what I have found from a few different sources, including Bella Sugar Online and Stript Wax Bar’s website:

A vajacial (should read vulvacial, because they are focusing on the vulva) is an additional service for a woman the week after she has gotten a bikini wax in order to fight ingrown hairs. During the appointment, an aesthetician performs an anti-bacterial cleanse, an exfoliating treatment, an anti-freckle, anti-acne or calming mask, and a lightening treatment.

If you would like to, you can add a vajazzling treatment to your vajacial in order to add some bling to your newly cleansed vulva. 

I kid you not.

Now, we live in an age when we can botox our armpits in order to avoid sweat stains. A laser can melt our fat over a lunch break. Doctors can perform entire body lifts on people who have lost hundreds of pounds. Scientists can grow ears on mice and clone sheep. SO why do I feel horrified by anti-freckle masks and lightening treatments?  

I am not sure. A part of me says that we should accept our vulvas, freckles and all. A part of me recognizes that these types of treatments might help people feel more comfortable with their vulvas. And another part of me wonders how these treatments could possibly NOT lead to an infection.
What do you think?

- Lauren, Possible curmudgeon who needs to get with the times

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