Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lavender Graduation: Excuse the Tears!

Yesterday, I went to Lavender Graduation, the ceremony created to honor GLBT college graduates and allies, at the University of Texas at Austin. No, I was not walking across the stage; although, I would do that every year if I could, because I love a bit of pomp and circumstance. My fiancĂ© was the official photographer for the event, and my friend coordinated it. I went to support them, not thinking that I would get something out of it as well. I should have known better, because I started tearing up during the first speech and then maybe during every speech afterward. (Seriously, learning how to be a therapist has given me the space to turn into an emotional marshmallow.) 

I watched professors, an associate dean, students, and a pastor present moving speeches to the graduates. One professor passionately read an inspiring poem by Audre Lorde about showing yourself to the world, no matter how you are received. One student shared her journey to graduation, which included a lot of bumps and triumphs along the way. The pastor spoke about queering our binary society in order to create space for everyone, which is all of our jobs. The associate dean reflected on changes that have been made to support the GLBT community at the university and how much further they still have to go. Each speech had a different flavor of the same message: “Be who you are. As a member of the GLBT community, expressing your true self is an amazing, radical act. Continue to be you, while doing other acts to change the world. We believe that you can make a difference.”    

How can you not tear up when someone is whole-heartedly telling others that their inner selves are beautiful and that they know they will have an impact on the world? HOW? Even I felt lighter and more inspired afterward, and the event wasn’t even for me. Not that I am trying to co-opt it. Sometimes it is just nice to bask in the glow that is deep acceptance, love, and support. We don’t get to see that every day!

Have you ever been surprisingly inspired or touched by an event? What happened?

- Lauren, new yearly attendee of commencement events!

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