Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Game Changing Idea of Female Sexual Arousal

Holy shit balls! My mind was blown last week, and I want to share the information with you, because some of us learned about sex way back in the day from abstinence-only programs. And let’s face it, I doubt sex education has gotten THAT much better. SO I am spreading the information love. 

If you haven’t heard of Rosemary Basson, you need to Google her. She is a genius researcher/professor/dynamite detonator who has revolutionized how researchers view the typical female sexual response cycle. (I say typical, because these cycles are based on how most people respond during the research not all. There is variation everywhere!) Before Dr. Basson, researchers believed that males and females respond to sexual stimuli likethis:

Excitement -> (Desire and Arousal) Plateau -> Orgasm-> Resolution (Refractory period)

This model is totally what I learned in school and is based on the research of Masters and Johnson from 1966. There is one major problem with this model: as with most medical research, it is based on a majority of male participants’ responses to sexual stimuli. So females were left out of the equation. And this very linear model has persisted for YEARS.

Here is what Dr. Basson has proposed as a more accurate picture of a typical female sexual response cycle:

THIS is vastly different from the Masters and Johnson model. Note all of the factors that go into female sexual desire and arousal! This model takes into account the more complicated brain and physical processes involved in female sexual arousal, the longer sexual response time for females (15-30 minutes versus male response time of 3-5 minutes), and allows for spontaneity and intimacy.  It also takes orgasm out of the equation as the deciding factor of sexual satisfaction, which is more aligned with female response. Again, holy shit balls! 

Isn’t that interesting? What do you think?

- Lauren, learning something new everyday  

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