Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Physical protests = so much better than virtual ones!

Yesterday, I got to physically participate in a protest, and it was fucking awesome. I went to the Texas capital to show my support for Senator Wendy Davis (D- Fort Worth) as she filibustered for over twelve hours in order to fight Senate Bill Five, which would have closed almost every clinic in Texas that performs abortions among other reproductive health work. Sometimes in this digital age, I forget how important it is to actually get involved in a cause. Online petitions are great. Tweets of support are wonderful. Donations are vital. It is totally different to show support (or dissent) in person. You get to feel the atmosphere; you get to show people what you stand for. You get to see the solidarity that you have with others, even if you seem to have nothing else in common. And you get to see who is being a total ass, so you can work to get them out of office during the next election (looking at you Senator Deuell). 

Now, I am under no illusion that Governor Perry and other conservative legislators will suddenly decide that they would like to give up on their campaign to close abortion clinics in Texas. That would require a miracle and a sudden shift in the national political agenda (because they can never just keep their stupidity here). I know that this will be a long battle, especially if there is a second special session. Then there will be subsequent law suits and federal rulings and all sorts of stuff. BUT I am also aware that Texans showed up last night in HUGE numbers to show legislators that they will physically fight for their rights. That makes me proud, and it gives me hope. I am glad that I could be a part of it, and I am in awe of everyone who spent four days at the capital to protect our rights as women and as human beings (like @missjuliesunday).
To learn more about what happened, you can click the following links:
A summary of what happened from Reality Check.
Video stream from the evening on  Slate.
Timeline updates from the Austin American Statesman.

- Lauren, physical protester and it feels so good!

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