Friday, March 1, 2013

There goes the term, "Lad(ies)".

Today, I let go of the term, “Lady.” Some of you are probably wondering why I ever used the term in the first place. It doesn’t seem like something I would say. Well, the truth is that I never really thought about it. Sometimes I use the term in a super ironic way toward myself. As in, “Excuse me sir, you cannot say that to me, because I am a lady. So go fuck yourself.” Sometimes I would use it toward my super radical friends, usually for my own amusement. I didn’t examine the word in-depth or really process what it meant. I just thought that it was funny. 

Until this week, when this comic started circulating on Facebook (I don’t have an original link):

And my language came crashing down around me. My only thought was, “Oh good god, I can never use the term ladies again, because this is some serious BULLSHIT. And I don’t want to be a part of the problem.” The problem being that people still believe that women should only be ladies, ie superficial Barbie robots,  who only smile and wave with no worries, or problems, or enthusiasm ready to serve you at any time. Not real people with brains, feelings, opinions, or even facial expressions. God forbid we even sweat, or fart, or curse. BARF. 

I can’t even use, “Ladies,” in an ironic way anymore. It’s not even funny. It’s just crappy. So I’m done with it. “Ladies,” I abjure you from my vocabulary.

Have you guys ever come across a term that you had to break up with? If so, what was it, and what were the circumstances that led to the erasing?

-          Lauren, “Lady” no more   


  1. I recently broke up with the phrase "you guys" mostly because I realized how annoying it is that this phrase is used as a universal term, but not everyone is a guy. And I just feel awkward addressing a group of women, or even a mixed group of men and women, as "guys"

  2. Yeah, I can understand that. I just get tired of saying y'all, and I don't think that you covers it. Is there an alternative term?
