Friday, August 31, 2012

Talkin About Bodily Functions Y'all

Y’all, I feel the need to talk about bodily functions this week. (No we are not talking about peeing on our partners today. Maybe later.) I have been avoiding the subject until now, because I am not completely comfortable with it. I will say that I am not as bad as a friend of mine who cannot say the words, “Fart,” or, “Poop,” because it freaks her out. I can say them. I just don’t want to do them where my partner (or my co-workers, or my friends, or my family members) can hear. It feels like a very private moment between me and my body that is suddenly shared with others. AND I HATE IT. I would rather not bond over these things. I want to pretend like they don’t happen.   

This probably comes out of my perfectionist tendencies. I want to be amazing and bionic and super human. Not someone who does those embarrassing things in front of others. Ew.  Super humans do not fart at inopportune moments. Bionic people do not poop in front of their co-workers; they probably hold it until no one else is in the bathroom. 

It reminds me of a story from my freshmen year of college. I was in the bathroom with someone else, and she was pooping and farting loudly. My first thought was, “Oh that poor girl must be so embarrassed. I will just pretend like this isn’t happening for her sake (And probably mine).” I finish, and I am washing my hands, and my roommate walks out. She says, “Sometimes you really have to poop.” She was so nonchalant about it. I almost passed out from shock and awe right then.

I write these things not to gross you out but in an attempt to be more like my old roommate. I am still working on it. I want to get to a place where I can say, “Whatever people, I had to poop.” I think that would be very freeing, and it would give me space to accept all of myself, including my gastrointestinal tract. So I salute those of you who shrug off the bodily function thing. I will be one of you someday!

-          Lauren, Private Bodily Functioner Laid Bare  

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