Everyone, meet the band, the Mrs.! They are an all-female band from Austin, Texas. Their mission is to write songs that fill the gap between teenage heartbreak and wild nights at the club; songs that inspire and speak to adult women who live (extra)ordinary lives. They state, “We weren’t hearing our lives reflected on the radio, so we decided to sing it ourselves.” (YES!)
Recently, the Mrs. launched the #ImEnough campaign, a
heartfelt song and video that speaks to self-acceptance. In an interview, Andra
Leimandt, the drummer of the band, explains that this campaign is for women
everywhere to recognize that they are enough just for being them. They don’t
have to be perfect. They don’t have to look or act a certain way. They don’t
have to wait to be worthy. They are worthy of self-love right now, because they
are enough.
In the video, you will see women rate themselves as to how they look. Most women rate themselves pretty low. As they do, videos of their loved ones and friends pop up on the screen to tell them how amazing they are. Then everyone cries. It’s really sweet! Check it out!
- Lauren, feeling like she is enough today
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