Friday, November 22, 2013

Revisiting My High School Self

Tonight, I revisit my high school self on stage, in front of (hopefully) a bunch of people, as I explore emails that I wrote to my parents throughout those four years. This performance has been evolving over the past month. I have gone from wanting to mock my high school self, because she did some really embarrassing stuff, to wanting to honor her for getting me through a tough time. Cultivating this view has been an evolution to say the least, and I think that I owe my fiancĂ© a giant hug after this whole thing is over. Sometimes evolution makes me crabby.  What can I say? I can’t be graceful and calm all of the time. 

It is strange to revisit my high school self, because I honestly do not remember much of that time. I remember middle school, because holy fuck that was a harrowing experience. There was a whole lot of awkwardness and gangliness happening there. I remember senior year, because I partied A LOT, including the night that I was convinced Icee pops would make good mixers. Yuck. (Sorry mom and dad!) It is the in between years that are pretty fuzzy. I look at people who remember exactly who their teachers were, who their friends were, and where they were on certain dates, and I am super jealous. I have bits and pieces of that stuff, but they really don’t add up to much. 

This performance has given me some of those years back. Exploring the emails (and a few photos) has helped me remember that I wasn’t totally miserable and sad during those years in high school, like I had assumed. I had moments of that, but I had some fun too. I just gloss over the fun sometimes. I think that I do that with a lot of things. I either assume that I had a good time or a bad time. I don’t always leave room for a gray area, and that space can be really important. It gives me room to breathe and regroup and be neutral. There is something to be said for that! Apparently I lived in it for quite a few of my teen years. 

After this mini evolution, I can now say that I am proud of who I was, and I am excited to reveal pieces of my past self on stage tonight. It will help me and others have a more filled out picture of myself, one with a bit of gray space.  

Have you ever looked back on something to realize that your picture of events might not be totally accurate? What happened?

- Lauren, high school time traveler

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