Friday, May 31, 2013

Sometimes you have to put yourself first!

I did something really radical this weekend. I put myself first FOR THE ENTIRE WEEKEND. I have never done that before in my adult life. Sure, I have taken a day and devoted it to me. I have taken a mental health day from work and slept late. I have gotten massages and pedicures. I have gone shoe shopping and dress shopping. I have taken myself out to lunch. I have celebrated my birthday by reading in coffee shops and dancing with friends, but I have never taken an entire weekend to unplug and do whatever I wanted.

Turns out, what I wanted to do was spend the weekend in a fancy hotel watching television, eating room service, spending the day at the spa, and hitting the treadmill for a fun workout. (That is totally my fantasy. You are obviously welcome to your own.) I didn’t have to answer to or coordinate with anyone. If I wanted to have chips and salsa and chocolate cake for dinner, well I could do that. If I wanted to wake up early and watch television in bed, I could do that. If I wanted to spend four hours in a spa reading a magazine while not talking to anyone, I could do that. And I did all of that. IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING!

I know that I talk a lot about celebrating yourself. One would think that would include taking weekends to indulge yourself. I guess that I never really knew how much I needed it or what a difference it would make. Maybe I haven’t really needed it until now. I am not sure. What I do know is that I would like to do this more often (than say once every twenty nine years), because it is incredibly important. And I think that it is important for all of us to remember that it is okay to put ourselves first. It doesn’t make you selfish, or self-absorbed, or lazy, or whatever else we might tell ourselves. It is key to remaining whole. So take this weekend to do whatever YOU want to do. Regardless of what others might think.

What would you do if you took a weekend to pamper (or whatever word you prefer) yourself?

-          Lauren, from now on putting herself first more often    

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