Thursday, April 4, 2013

Meet Nicole Daedone of One Taste!

Everyone, meet Nicole Daedone! She wants to change the way that you view female orgasms! This can be a touchy subject. We are talking about female orgasm more often in our society, and there are a billion unanswered questions connected to it. How do we define an orgasm? How do you know if you have had one, especially if it feels differently for everyone? How do you communicate with your partner the best way for you to orgasm? What if you can only orgasm with a vibrator? If you have never had an orgasm before, does that mean you are missing a giant piece of the sex puzzle? On the opposite side of the spectrum, can you have too many orgasms? What if one orgasm is never enough?

Sometimes an orgasm can feel like this tiny blue dot that you must find in a GIANT forest. You can almost hear a scientist saying, “We are hunting the elusive orgasm here in Yosemite National Park. We were told that one was spotted here yesterday. We want to capture it and place it in our lab for observation.”That kind of mentality puts a lot of pressure on us ALL and really limits our sexual experiences.    

Ms. Daedone wants to change all of that. She would like for everyone to take a step back and to shift how we look at orgasms. She believes that orgasm should be about a connection to self and the world around us, instead of a finite climax cycle. Check out her TEDx talk from San Francisco!

If you would like to learn more, you can find her website here.

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it? What do you think about Ms. Daedone’s stance?
          -    Lauren, Orgasm questioner and redefiner

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