Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scary Story for your Halloween!

Today I bring you a scary story from the GYNECOLOGICAL OFFICE! Ooooooh. No, it is not about speculums, although those can be downright frightening. It is about a doctor who did not listen to the person seeking her services, so she lost her… to another gynecologist. Let me paint the spooky scene.

I had been in Austin for about a year, and I was searching for a new gynecologist. I needed an annual exam and a new birth control pill prescription. I found a practice that sounded good, and I asked for their gentlest doctor. And I was sent to this woman who shall remain nameless. (It makes it scarier that way.) I went to our first appointment, and I was concerned that my libido had been lower than usual. I wasn’t sure if it was situational or hormonal, but it was starting to freak me out. So I decided to talk to her about it. BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH YOUR VAGINA, YOU ASK A GYNECOLOGIST. And she totally shut me down, like the scary doctor she is. The conversation went something like this. 

Me: I have noticed that my sex drive has been lower the past several months. I am wondering if it is my situation; I have been single for a while. Or if it is a side effect of this particular brand of birth control pills.
The Doctor: We can talk about this more when you are in a relationship. I can refer you to therapists who do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Me: I don’t know if that is the issue. Could it be something else, like the pills or stress or environmental?
The Doctor: Nope, we won’t know until you have a boyfriend.

And that was when I realized that she was really a zombie/vampire/mummy gynecologist, so I unraveled the wrappings and drove a stake through her heart!!! Duh, duh, duh.

Ha. Just kidding. That is when I fired her ass and found a doctor who would listen to me and answer my questions. Because FUCK THAT. I deserve to be a partner in my health care. I want to encourage you to find doctors who will listen to you and who will celebrate YOU. Anything less is just SCARY!

-          Lauren, a partner in my own gynecological care  

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