Thursday, September 27, 2012

Real bodies? Sexy!

I went to Coco Coquette’s wig show this week, thanks to a friend’s invite. AND IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME. Let me lay the scene for you. We are at a giant warehouse type of bar in Austin. It is totally industrial and dark. There is a large, black stage with a white runway jutting out into the crowd. We can see people in costume standing above us, and they look cool from up there. But who can really tell from 100 feet away?  I have no idea what to expect. What do I know about wig shows? Plus, I didn’t do a ton of research before the show. (I usually just agree to attend things, and it turns out well or it doesn’t. Either way, I might get a good story out of it.) So I didn’t know what was about to happen. And then the show starts…

The first woman onstage has an amazing wig that makes her look like a fierce warrior, and her costume involves a tiny bikini, intricate jewelry, and head wear. She has a very raw, jungle feel to her dance performance. As she is dancing, I realize something. That girl has a real, honest-to-God butt. Not like a tiny model butt. A real butt. With dimples. And she was shaking it. And performing. And bringing her character to life. AND IT WAS FUCKING SEXY.

As the performers kept coming, I realized that they were all foxy in their own way, and they all had real bodies. Some were tall and skinny. Some were short and had tummies. Some were tall and had tummies. Some were short and skinny. Some were super muscular. And they were all WORKING IT. And it was amazing. AMAZING. Not because of the variety of body types (Although high five Coco for that decision), but because they were celebrating their bodies. They are performing onstage in tiny outfits and giant wigs, and they are not self-conscious. If anything, they are daring the audience to look at them, all of them. And it was breathtaking. And I loved it. 

Now, I want to be one of those performers. Someone who inhabits her body completely and shows it off without worrying about the flaws (which only I see anyway). You should join me!

How will you celebrate and flaunt your body?

-          Lauren, Body celebrator and booty shaker  

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