Sunday, April 29, 2012

So I am torn.

Here is the deal. I just read an article on Jezebel about Jason Segel being asked to lose weight for his role in the Five Year Engagement, which is a romantic comedy featuring Emily Blunt. I will admit that I am really torn about this situation. On one hand, I don’t believe that anyone should be asked to fit into a cookie cutter mold of beauty. Hollywood has taken things too far with their physical requirements for actors and actresses. Someone pointed out that celebrities don’t even look like real people anymore, and there is merit to this statement. Hollywood actors and actresses look like caricatures of regular people. How many of us look like celebrities? I know that I certainly don't. (I like to eat actual food that isn't all steamed. So sue me.)

On the other hand, a part of me is glad he was told to shape up. As leading women are being asked to shrink to ever smaller sizes, actors are rarely told to lose weight, especially when they are connected to romantic comedies. They can roll on-set looking ridiculous and still be praised for their work. This would never happen to a leading lady, especially one starring in a romantic comedy. So fine Jason Segel, Hollywood wants you to drop some pounds. At least you aren’t being told to get lip injections, botox, cellulite treatment, breast implants, liposuction, a nose job, ab sculpting, laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, and hair extensions.

I know that some of you are going to read this and think that I am vengeful. And that might be true. All that I am saying is if actors and actresses are forced to live on a fucked up playing field, I would at least like for it to be even. If that means that men are asked to lose weight for roles, something that women are asked to do every day, then so be it. Would I rather live in a world where every body is considered beautiful? Hell to the yes. And we aren't there yet. So in the meantime, call me when they ask Mr. Segel to get Restylane.
What do you guys think? Help me out here. I am having a really hard time mustering up some empathy.

-          Lauren, Admittedly Torn and Possibly Over the Line


  1. Well baby , I think every Damn thing you just said was well put . I have a hard time for the same reasons . I feel the absurdity of the entirety . You don't have to muster what you don't have . Perhaps the universe will find a way to elicit compassion , its tricky that way . I can find compassion , just not empathy . I have no desire to really know how a celebrity feels about the downside of the job. All jobs have a downside . So everyone feels that . Therein I can find compassion. The psychology of the group is pretty interesting ...if I were to delve there I could probably find empathy...but not before coffee this morning .

  2. Ha! Coffee makes the brain work better, or so I have been told. Maybe if I saw an emaciated and sad celebrity in real life, then I would have compassion. And I do feel for actresses. The expectations put upon them are ridiculous. I have a much harder time with actors. And maybe I don't want to know what the universe has up its sleeve, so I will just have to fake my compassion and eventually start to really feel it.
