Thursday, November 20, 2014

My New Motto: Try a bunch of things and see what sticks

This month has shown me a lot. It has reminded me that I work well under pressure, that I can be hyper organized, and that I miss using those skills in my current job. That last revelation is key. I really like my job, AND I would like to flex the other parts of my brain that aren’t used in my current position. Until these past few weeks, I have felt uncomfortable with the idea that I don’t have just ONE passion-related career path that I want to take. I have a bunch, but I am constantly surrounded by messages of, “Do the JOB that you are passionate about,” and other similar, simple platitudes that are thrown around lately. 

A part of me gets it. We want everyone to find the thing that makes them tick, and then we want them to do that thing ALL of the time. That is the recipe for happiness, right? Sure. We should probably not be miserable at our jobs every day. I would certainly not wish that on people. 

However, another part of me thinks that this whole concept is some stifling bullshit. It takes away a few pieces that are important: experimentation and time. I have watched so many young people and more than a few adults feel guilty about not automatically knowing where their passion lies. They feel guilty about changing career paths or working several odd jobs at the same time. Hell, I have felt icky about switching trajectories in the same field, which is not okay. None of us should feel weird or wrong for taking our time to try to find our niche(s). Sometimes it takes people (me) a few tries to figure out what works for them (me). Society sees that as flighty or directionless; I see it as bravely forging different paths.    
I am passionate about a lot of things, and I am tired of feeling like I need to pick only one. So fuck it. I am not going to. If I want to be a mental health professional who also organizes events and makes gourmet chocolate bars while getting her yoga teacher certification, then so be it.
How are you finding your passion(s)?

- Lauren, Life Experimenter